Computer Aided Telephonic Interviews ( CATI )

Computer-Aided Telephonic Interviews (CATI) is a telephone survey in which the interviewee follows the text provided by the software program. It is a systematic telephone microdata collection system that speeds up microdata collection and organization and allows the interviewer to teach respondents the importance of timely and accurate data. The software is able to customize the flow of the questionnaire according to the answers provided, as well as the information already known about the participant. Used for B2B services and corporate sales. The CATI system provides advanced sample management, call planning, quota control, status monitoring, and call management. It allows us to monitor the production of telephone and computer chat test.

The biggest advantage is the effective data collection because the interviewer puts the answers directly into the computer rather than sending a separate question paper for a different step to capture data. Effective and more accurate query management, because the computer delivers survey questions to the interviewer in a systematic manner, including any required logic, random editing, or input of information from a separate data file or from the beginning of a conversation. Data collection is more accurate because the computer can use a variety of layouts and order responses as the answers are entered.

1+1 Research’s CATI team works closely with clients to understand the study needs and accordingly the project is designed. We have 40+ professionally trained and experienced CATI interviewers having the multilingual capability. Our quality control team analyses every interview so that the client gets the highest quality deliverables.

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