Market Research Glossary

Market Research Glossary

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There are currently 31 names in this directory beginning with the letter L.
Labor Force
labor force participation refers to the number of individuals who are available to work in a labor market.
Labor Force Participation Rates
Labour force participation rate is defined as the section of working population in the age group of 16-64 in the economy currently employed or seeking employment. 
Laboratory Experiment
It is one that is conducted in an artificial setting (where the internal validity is usually higher than the external validity).
Laboratory Test Market
It is a simulated market-place situation for new products where consumers are exposed to advertising and visit an experimental store where they may buy products under controlled conditions. Through follow-up interviews, focus groups and purchase patterns, the market shares for new products can be predicted.
It is a technique for conducting depth interviews where questions progress from product characteristics to user characteristics
Latent Click Through
An instance when a consumer comes across an online banner ad, then visits the advertised website later because they had seen it earlier. It is only a latent click through if the consumer does not click directly on the banner ad. Also referred to as a "view through".
Latin Square Design
It is a type of statistical experimental design where the aim is to remove the error associated with variations in two non-interacting external variables in order to understand the effect of each variable in addition to the effect of manipulating an independent variable. Experimental units are allocated in such a way that variations in experimental treatments occur once in each row or column (in a table of treatments).
Leading Question
It is one that suggests an answer by the way in which the question is worded.
Phases of the research project in which respondents will participate.
This is a demand that new software and operating systems can read or convert old data and will work with the new technology.
Lelly Triads
Used especially by advertising agencies to elicit consumer language for the products in question.
Length of Interview
It is the time it takes to ask the questions and record the answers in a survey. This time should include any time required to taste products or review concepts etc. Screening time should be shown separately so that accurate completion rates can be calculated
Level of Significance
The maximum probability of rejecting a true null hypothesis (or committing a type I error), equal to one minus the confidence level.
It is a term that originally referred to the attitudes, interests and opinions of research participants, but it can be used to refer to differences in behaviour that relate to social values.
Lifestyle Research
Lifestyle market research is a tool to help understand and create customer and/or consumer profiles. Oftentimes, lifestyle market research gathers information on hobbies, activities, interests, and opinions from respondents
Lifestyle Selectivity
Consumer behaviors that can be attributed to a certain population segment's lifestyle. This includes interests, ownership, and hobbies.
Likert Scale
It is a type of categorical, non-comparative scale that determines respondents’ levels of agreement to a series of statements relating to an attitude being measured.
Line Chart
It is a chart where a series of data points are connected by a continuous line.
Linear Regression Analysis
It is a type of regression analysis between variables that are believed to have a linear relationship.
List Order Bias
It is a term used in market research which speaks to how respondents are influenced to perceive or select specific responses based on the order they are shown in the survey.
List Rotation
Rotating answer lists in a survey means the first respondent completing the survey is presented with the first answer list, the second respondent with the alternative, the third with the first answer list again and so on. In this way half of respondents see each version of the answer list.
Listed Sample
A list of people with a certain set of demographic information to fulfill a targeted market in marketing research.
Listed Telephone Households
A the telephone survey of the public can include only telephone households in its sampling frame. 
Literature Search
It is a review of all available secondary data sources on a particular subject.
Loaded Question
Loaded questions are questions written in a way that forces the respondent into an answer that doesn't accurately reflect his or her opinion or situation.
Location Studies
are research projects that aim to identify the best position (usually for a retail outlet).
Logit Model
It is a statistical technique used by marketers to assess the scope of the customer. A preference regression is performed on the survey data.
A logo is a graphic mark, emblem, symbol, or stylized name used to identify a company, organization, product, or brand. 
Long Census Form
It contains 26 additional population questions and 20 additional housing questions than what the short form contains.
Longitudinal Design
It is a type of research design where a fixed sample of population units is measured repeatedly.
Longitudinal Study
An observational study that employs continuous or repeated measures to follow particular individuals and observe the same set of variables over a prolonged period.